Spreading love with a single heart beat;

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Yay! 8 days to go..

I just finished watching the season finale of Grey's Anatomy as expected I ended up in tears.. hehe today i have nothing planned.. so right now at this moment i am thinking of something to do to fill up my day.. but apparently blogging is the only thing could think of.. so anyways, i spring cleaned my roonm. FINALLY.. if it weren't for the mood that i had i would have never gotten it done.. i also rearranged my furniture so that my bed wouldn't be facing the door.. unfortunately by the end of the day, my left arm felt really painful.. Thank God it's fine now.. i kept on shaking it last night because of the pain..

owh I know what to do now heheh, I feel like watching Fullhouse on http://www.mysoju.com

byes X)